***Spoiler Alert***
This post is picking up where part II ended. This is a spoiler alert if you have not yet read part's I and II. We return to your favorite expeditionaries Schaefer and Rob as they search the San Juan Islands for.... KILLER WHALES!

We were lucky to get some good shots of these guys. We saw at least 7 in this pod.

Here you can see the whole family out for a swim. Notice the last guy to the left as we caught the spray from the spout just right.

Same here with these two. They got the closest to us. We even had to cut the engine for a moment and let them pass.

Capt. Carli told us the males have the larger and more sharp looking dorsal fin, while the females have a curved shorter fin. Female here.

This is one of our best shots! We got it just right as this guy breached.
We have about 100 photos of just fins poking out of the water trying to time it just right, but this one was one of the best! (think of the view these people in their homes have every May-Sept as the whales play in these waters).

These two came right past our boat and surfaced with a big loud spray from their blowholes! Notice the male and female. Doesn't seem that close, but they were likely 50 ft at most when they surfaced. It was awesome!

The departing shot of our whales! We really lucked out and had a wonderful time following these guys around. I'll go again with anyone that wants to come see the whales!

The Kirk House B&B in Friday Harbor

This place was AWESOME!! Can you see my excitement? Once again Schaefer finds the gem of B&B's. This was one of the best places I've ever stayed. Cozy, fancy, pleasant, and the breakfast was like eating dessert for breakfast.

Old Victorian-style harbor in the north part of the island. Only the multi-million sort come this way. You don't dare moor anywhere else. There were plenty of yuppie sailors around here.
At Roche harbor with my incredibly cute wife of 1 whole year!

Lighthouse shot. Couldn't go this trip without getting a lighthouse picture on the island coast.

Another day of great sunshine! We went to a park called Whale Watch Park where you of course watch for whales. We had lots to do, plus we're whale experts by now, so we had to move on. Don't we look good?!

Overlooking Friday Harbor as we prepare to leave. We spent most of the day exploring the island and window shopping. It was a beautiful day!

Again overlooking the harbor while we wait for our ferry ride home.

These are dedicated to Dennis. We can't pass a sailboat without thinking about you.
A few sailboat shots with an incredible backdrop. The water and landscape are really spectacular!

Mt. Baker. One of many volcanoes along the Cascade Mountain Range
Cruising on the ferry. These are the outdoor seats. It's a bit windy as you can tell, but we had a great time on them. Nothing like wearing our coats in May!

I love all the different blues in this shot. This one turned out great! Can't you see yourself out there on that boat?!

This is called Deception Pass. This bridge connects some smaller islands we crossed on our way home. It in itself was a spectacular view!
At Deception Pass with the eagles. This bald eagle was perched in plain view. He was one large eagle.
The passage between islands leading to the pacific. Our last great view as we head home.
This concludes the trilogy.
Happy Anniversary Schaef! The best is yet to come as they say. One in the books, forever to go. Love you!