Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thanksgiving Abercrombie style and Schaefers first 5K

Bailey and Schaefer in the backyard on Thanksgiving Day. It was a nice cool 60+ degrees.

The Abercrombie family: Pre-meal.
Wish I had a post-meal picture. We were all sprawled out on the couches :)

Papa Wadewitz with his ladies

Schaefer and Bailey with their fiances (Matt and I). They dress us up the same.

She's so so so cute, isn't she!

I could go for this again. The food was fabulously delicious. Thank you Cami for your salad recipe. It was a hit!

Day after Thanksgiving tradition with the Abercrombie family is chopping their own Christmas tree down at "We Three Tree's". Don't worry tree-loving readers, Mr. Russell re-plants as many as are taken.

Schaefer and Bailey at the tree farm. Apparently Bailey goes Christmas tree chopping in style. These two look way to nice to be rummaging around and sawing trees. (Side-note: Notice every picture with these two, they're doing the elbow thing. They've been doing this for years now. Thank you Alpha Delta Pi)

This is historical--- This is Schaefer's first 5K!! She has been working hard and getting ready. She's an excellent swimmer, but never really been much of a runner. But that has all changed! After watching Forrest Gump multiple times (because its on TV all the time- Second only to Titanic), and logging plenty of early-morning miles, she was pumped and ready. Goal: No stopping- Not even for the bathroom. She was willing to.... Never mind :)

Unfortunately for her first race we were running in 34 degree weather. It was a chilly start in downtown Knoxville, but she was ready- mentally, physically, and environmentally :)

Post race finish!! All smiles and still-standing. She never stopped and did great the whole time. She rocked the hills too! Time was around 34 mins or so. Proud of you Schaef! Next- she's getting ready for a 10K! She's a mad runner now.

DON'T FALL! We went home and rested a bit, only to go ice skating!! It was a lot of fun. And let me tell you- Schaefer is so athletic. She has been a few times before, but she was skating like she was ready for hockey season to start. She never fell, never worried, she was so good!

All smiles in those skates! Hey- nice purse Schaef

We had a great evening at the skating rink, and a fabulous weekend. Last weekend of long-distance for us, and we are more than excited, to say the least, to be living in the same city again.
(Looks like its my turn to be going tree-cutting huh)

To finish off the great day, we rented a movie-

I actually wanted to watch this, and it was an excellent movie. It is a fantastic story, and pretty funny too. Even though its an all-women cast, I rule it out of the chick-flick category. Its too good to be included in that genre. Two enthusiastic-thumbs up!

Friday, December 2, 2011

One ring to rule them all...

The beginning....

Well, the official engaged beginning that is! This is the story of Rob and Schaefer (soon to be Bell). After having dated for over a year, each traveling numerous miles, flying to and from Utah and Georgia, to Louisville and Knoxville, hiking the Smokies, kayaking, running, sledding for the first time (real sledding), answering loads of gospel questions, reading together, going to church for the first time, being on edge every sacrament meeting, burning dinners, loving Schaefers dinners, counting calories, roasting marshmallows, being crushed in monopoly deal, learning to throw a football, more importantly learning to throw and catch a baseball, gaining a testimony, having serious talks, meeting family (hers was easy- All 10 of them), going to baseball games, school, scooters, monuments, and even a goodnight kiss- This is only a very small piece of the adventure we have begun.
Did I mention a baptism?!! The greatest baptism of my life! What a blessing this has been, and I am so excited to begin our life together.

So without further ado- Rob and Schaefer get engaged...

The Orangery in Knoxville, TN. The night is Oct. 21, 2011- Schaefer is under the impression that we're going out for a fancy dinner, nothing more. I'm under the impression that I'm shaking in my boots. The hostess is in on the whole thing...

In fact at one point I went outside to get the ring from a hidden place in my car, when a man says, "Dude what happened? Did it go ok?" I then realized the hostess pretty much told the whole place what was happening. I then hid the ring in my jacket sleeve and cooly came back from the "bathroom." We were invited to take a look around the restaurant and the grounds. There is a very nice courtyard with a grand piano, and strangely enough there is no one around. Hmm... Maybe I could play a song.

This photo was taken after it all went down. But- as planned Schaefer and I were alone in this really nice room where I played a song that I wrote for her entitled, "When I found you." I was

super nervous about the singing, mostly because I'm no Frank, rather Michael McClean.
But it all went well. Funny side note- I knew Schaefer would be obviously suspicious by now and start looking for a ring box. But- I had strategically placed it in my opposite jacket sleeve. Brilliant. Still unaware, we stood up to leave from the piano and...

SHE SAID YES!! Look at that smile!

I got down on one knee, and her words were, and I qoute, "Oh my goodness, is this really happening?!" I then rehearsed what I had practiced saying for days now, and I soon realized that Schaefer wasn't getting any of this as she was surprised and overcome. I then cut to the chase and asked her to marry me. She said yes and then said, "Get up, Get up, Get up" and gave me a huge hug.... And maybe a kiss. Maybe.

It was just me and her. For one moment. Our moment.
I felt so perfectly happy.

The hostess took some pictures for us and helped us have an enjoyable evening. Doesn't Schaefer look amazing!

I couldn't get her to stop modeling pictures with strategic placements of the ring :) It was fun.

Once again, she look fabulous. What a great night!

I'm very happy that she liked the ring. Also, I'm really happy she made me choose it. She did help quite a bit, but I am always really happy when someone says something about it. It is a unique ring and I think that she likes that.

The night could not have gone any better. I guess there was one funny moment. The hostess knew exactly who I was and when we were coming. She wasn't supposed to act like that though. When we arrived to the restaurant there was a couple in front of us and they were asked for their reservation and names. When it was our turn the hostess didn't even ask. She said, "right this way." Schaefer turned to me and said, "how did she know who we were?" I said, "I have no clue." And left it at that. Good thing hostess lady didn't blow it before it started.

Anyway, it was such a perfect night. It was a surprise and a success. I am so excited, happy, and honored to call Schaefer Abercrombie my fiance!!