Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thanksgiving Abercrombie style and Schaefers first 5K

Bailey and Schaefer in the backyard on Thanksgiving Day. It was a nice cool 60+ degrees.

The Abercrombie family: Pre-meal.
Wish I had a post-meal picture. We were all sprawled out on the couches :)

Papa Wadewitz with his ladies

Schaefer and Bailey with their fiances (Matt and I). They dress us up the same.

She's so so so cute, isn't she!

I could go for this again. The food was fabulously delicious. Thank you Cami for your salad recipe. It was a hit!

Day after Thanksgiving tradition with the Abercrombie family is chopping their own Christmas tree down at "We Three Tree's". Don't worry tree-loving readers, Mr. Russell re-plants as many as are taken.

Schaefer and Bailey at the tree farm. Apparently Bailey goes Christmas tree chopping in style. These two look way to nice to be rummaging around and sawing trees. (Side-note: Notice every picture with these two, they're doing the elbow thing. They've been doing this for years now. Thank you Alpha Delta Pi)

This is historical--- This is Schaefer's first 5K!! She has been working hard and getting ready. She's an excellent swimmer, but never really been much of a runner. But that has all changed! After watching Forrest Gump multiple times (because its on TV all the time- Second only to Titanic), and logging plenty of early-morning miles, she was pumped and ready. Goal: No stopping- Not even for the bathroom. She was willing to.... Never mind :)

Unfortunately for her first race we were running in 34 degree weather. It was a chilly start in downtown Knoxville, but she was ready- mentally, physically, and environmentally :)

Post race finish!! All smiles and still-standing. She never stopped and did great the whole time. She rocked the hills too! Time was around 34 mins or so. Proud of you Schaef! Next- she's getting ready for a 10K! She's a mad runner now.

DON'T FALL! We went home and rested a bit, only to go ice skating!! It was a lot of fun. And let me tell you- Schaefer is so athletic. She has been a few times before, but she was skating like she was ready for hockey season to start. She never fell, never worried, she was so good!

All smiles in those skates! Hey- nice purse Schaef

We had a great evening at the skating rink, and a fabulous weekend. Last weekend of long-distance for us, and we are more than excited, to say the least, to be living in the same city again.
(Looks like its my turn to be going tree-cutting huh)

To finish off the great day, we rented a movie-

I actually wanted to watch this, and it was an excellent movie. It is a fantastic story, and pretty funny too. Even though its an all-women cast, I rule it out of the chick-flick category. Its too good to be included in that genre. Two enthusiastic-thumbs up!


  1. Didn't know you went ice skating. . .trying to get Schaefer ready for her Utah visit!! Brrrrr! Looks like you had fun. Can't wait to see that movie. Laureen and I have tried to see it a couple of times. . .we will soon.

  2. What a fun post! Lots of great things to see and do!! Great job on on the 5K!!!l Schaef, now you're going to get addicted!!!! Next thing you're going to be running a half marathon and you're going to LOVE IT!!!! :o) Love you guys!!!

  3. Good job girl on the 5k, my first one was about 102 degrees so I don't know which is worse. We'll all have to do a 5k together sometime. Love that you guys have a blog so we can follow and see pics from your fun courtship!
