Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mom and Papa's Visit to the Northwest Part I

We couldn't have been more excited to have our first guests out here to Washington!! Day 1 of our adventures we decided to head north up the Olympic Peninsula to a quaint little port town called Port Townsend.

As expected, our guests were greeted with ridiculous weather. However, not expected was being greeted by the local Port Townsend Deer Club.

It randomly snowed on us for about an hour, then it turned out to be 60 degrees the rest of the weekend. Mom and Papa can come any time and bring the great weather with them. It was fabulous! 

Also fabulous was the Fountain Cafe! You thought I was going to talk about the fabulous man in the picture. Don't worry I'm sure I'll find time for that later. As for now, I need to give props to Schaefer and to trip advisor for choosing excellent places to eat all weekend! Excellent clam chowder and sandwiches.

Schaefer bringing out the sunshine with her smile! Downtown Port Townsend has a nice little main street where we did plenty of window shopping. There is a massive bell in the background they used to ring for the sailors.

Port Townsend in the background. Blue sky, blue water... blue coats. We wanted to keep with the theme, I guess.

Portion of Port Townsend- still maintains a bit of a Victorian theme...

Mom and Schaef with the Puget Sound in the background.

Now a rare picture with Papa. He's usually the one taking pictures but we got him in this one. I'm glad he stuck with the blue theme as well.

This is technically where Puget Sound meets the Pacific Ocean at a place called the "Straits of Juan de Fuca". I don't know why, but I love saying that. In the far distance is Victoria, B.C. Also we saw a whole bunch of sea otters playing around out here.

How many times have you seen snow on the beach?? Mama A and myself looking for beach treasures along the Straits of Juan de Fuca. See it's fun to say, huh.

Looks like a Port Townsend postcard! Schaefer snapped this shot and it turned out great!! Too bad for the fence keeping us out though.

Day 2 of our adventures took us West across the Peninsula to the Pacific Ocean. More specifically a town called Ocean Shores. It was a nice little seaside town- also, this is day 2 without rain! The Wadewitz bloodline featured here.

The first time seeing the Pacific Ocean- together. The sand and water are a bit different up in the NW. We didn't see anyone catching any waves out here.

Gray's Harbor in the background. We learned there have been a whole bunch of shipwrecks out here.

We are on a jetty out of the harbor and if you look back toward the east you can see a great view of the Cascade Mountain Range. Look closely :)

There is a lot of cool driftwood on these beaches, much to Stephie's liking- unfortunately she couldn't take this one home with her.

Trying to be artistic... We were out looking for more beach treasures- sand dollars, shells, starfish, driftwood, rocks, etc... And we were successful!

Me and my honey! We were looking for gray whales while on these rocks as they are said to pass through here on their way up north. Obviously someone forgot to call the whales and inform them of this appointment, because they weren't there- however, after a long wait we did see a whale spout in the distance... Better luck next time.
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1 comment:

  1. GREAT shots! You are good on that camera, Rob! Looks like you had some sunshine and got to see some really neat things! I love having visitors, because you go out into the city and do and see things that you might not necessarily do! Glad you had a good time with them! XOXO LOVE YOU!!!
