Sunday, May 12, 2013

Easter and the park

Easter! I must say that Easter is just not the same without family. I guess that goes for just about any holiday, but the last few years I've been spoiled by having Easter in Hendersonville, NC with Papa Wadewitz and co. It is always a great weekend as Papa supplies a dozen eggs (each) for one to color and all the supplies to boot! Complete with an Easter egg hunt, and not too mention a whole lot of great food. That being said, we surely miss both our families! Here are some pictures from our first married Easter. (side note- We started a new tradition this year as we were invited to an adult Easter egg hunt by friends from church. It was at night with flashlights and headlamps and it was over in about 30 secs. It was crazy! We came away with a few candybars and suckers, OK... I came away with the most. I love anything like an Easter egg hunt!)

Learned from Dad early in life that flowers can make your wife pretty darn happy :)

Us in our Easter outfits ready for church. We had some great sunshine Easter Sunday. Fitting for new life!

Sunday best. Slick new tie and Mama's cuffs.

The egg prepping station... Amatuers compared to Papa's spread.

Finished Product of our egg decorating eggstravaganza. Schaefer has been a professional egg decorator for many years. Her's are pretty awesome!

 We had Easter dinner at our good friends, the Bennion's. These are Schaefers' works of art! Amazing salad and dessert that didn't last more than about 2 mins.

One random Monday a few weeks later we took a small walk from a nearby park down to the beach along Puget Sound.

The Sound at sunset

Looking back toward Olympia. You can (almost) see the Capitol.

This small cave was stuffed tree trunks and driftwood to keep people out... Strange

Driftwood tribute for Mama Abercrobmie.

The Olympic mountains in the background. We love the clear skies!!!

Wildflower rose bush. Don't smell the roses though. Schaefer woke up with a strange rash on her hand and nose the next morning. Thankfully, it is now gone.

This guy lives around the corner from us. For some reason his yard and all the colors make me hungry. One of the best yards around here. Right now the whole city is in bloom and it looks like Spring!

Out for a BBQ (for those in the west) or grilling-out (for those in the South) with our friends the Bennions. Taking advantage of this fantastic weather we are having as of late!

Aaron (the youngest) and I working on some hot dogs.

Kevin and Geoffrey making use of the coals for some smores. These two were pretty good marshmallow roasters!

I love this face! Aaron is full of funny and cute faces. Here he is devouring a smore. We love spending time with these guys. They took us right in the minute we moved here and have been our Olympia family. They are a great family with boys who have endless energy. We love it! Thanks Bennions for being such great friends and giving us a family here in Olympia.
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  1. Great post, Rob!!! It's hard to celebrate holidays with such rich traditions without all the family that goes with it, isn't it? Looks like you guys have found some great friends to make it a little easier and have started some great traditions yourselves. Good job on keeping up the blog!

  2. Great post...I am so glad you are making your own traditions and still celebrate together. You both looked great for Easter. Your church family will become like family to you. You will make friends that last forever!

  3. We are so glad that you all tolerate us so well. The boys adore you both and we are grateful that you moved to Olympia!
