Monday, December 17, 2012

December happenings

Welcome back! We haven't had much to say the past couple of weeks but we haven't been enitrely boring...take a look at what we've been up to!

Here's an update on Rob's finger... he woke up one morning and noticed it had changed color and then it completely fell off. Other than that, its doing well!

We had one gorgeous day a few weeks back so we went downtown to explore. Look at how massive Mt. Ranier is!

Can't wait till Summer (AKA July) so we can see it every day!!

View of the Puget Sound with the Olympic National Forest.. something else that is covered up everyday by clouds and rain :(

Washington's state capitol! Please notice the perfrect timing of this picture.

Disappointed in the Evergreen state's capitol city's Christmas tree!

At a cute little park downtown

Check out this awesome wreath that Schaefer made!! Pretty impressive for her first craft project huh?

A woman's touch really does make a house feel like a home! Looks great baby!

Making one of his 2 famous cookie recipes...cheerio cookies!! But really we don't know what they're called...anyone out there have a name that would fit besides "unknown goodness" as is written on the recipe card??

YUM! Rob's co workers didn't believe that he made them himself!

Spreading Christmas cheer to our neighbors :)

We made Dad's famous spaghetti for dinner one night...not as good as his! I'll have to learn his secrets some day!

This picture makes me smile, even though it is at Schaef's expense. Remember Bill Engvall's joke about the person that actually greased the "bottom" of the pan? Well, Schaefer has made her fabulous Lace cookies many times- However this go 'round was a bit different: the recipe calls for 2 whole sticks of butter, but Schaefer as we all know never really uses butter in anything, so her experience there is minimal . She thought the sticks we had were a little smaller than normal- You following me so far? She decided to put in all four sticks... So, we had lace cookie soup... Her next batch turned out perfect. Love those cookies.

For those in Georgia reading this, it looks like Stubby was here :) But really it's an experimental snack from Pinterest. Needless to say, it didn't make the recipe book. Woof...

Example of bad Christmas gifts: 1997 Country Christmas hits together with Hostess Fruit Cake. (However we cannot confirm the date of the fruitcake). Great White Elephant gifts though. Think we could sell the cake on Ebay? Its Hostess...

Example of an EXCELLENT Christmas gift! Courtesy of Uncle G and Aunt Donna! Loads of Puppy Chow, date balls, and so much more. (see next picture)

What a nice and thoughtful gift. Thank you again! And thank you to everyone else who is sending us Christmas (and birthday) gifts. We can't wait to open them!!

Date balls are almost gone already. Rob is destroying the puppy chow!

Aunt Donna saw this at a shop in Hendersonville and thought of us. It fits perfectly on our tree :)

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1 comment:

  1. Great post. . .as usual, looks like you two are having NO FUN at all!! :) The cookies are called Crunchy Peanut Clusters, but I would re-name them, Crunchy Cheerios Peanut Clusters. Thanks for the laughs! I am happy to see that you are doing well. . .sorry about the finger, you will just have to make a snowman and use it for his nose!
